HTML Quiz & Interview Questions for Beginners total-qa July 26, 2018 July 26, 2018 1 Comment on HTML Quiz & Interview Questions for Beginners Total-QA HTML Quiz 1. What is the full form of HTML? HyperLink Text Markup Language High Text Markup Language Hyper Text Mark Language Hyper Text Markup Language 2. How to display the Image in the web page? img href=”” alt=”MyImage” img src=”” alt=”MyImage” img location=”” alt=”MyImage” img link=”” alt=”MyImage” 3. What is the tag name used for applying color for a text? text font color bgcolor 4. What is the tag used for Heading? h10 h6 h7 h8 5. What is the tagName used for Displaying the ParaGraphs?? block section paragraph p 6. How to create a text box in HTML?? textArea type=”text” input type=”characters” input type=”text” input type=”textbox” 7. What is the full format of SVG? Scalable Vector Graphics Standard Vector Graphics Sizable Vector Graphics Scientific Vector Graphics 8. How to define the Hyperlink in a webpage? a linkRef=”” a src=”” a href=”” a url=”” 9. How to define the hyperlink to open in a new window? a href=”url” target=”blank”>link text a href=”url” target=”_blank”>link text a href=”url” target=”newwindow”>link text a href=”url” target=”new”>link text 10. What is the tagname used to embed one html page in another page? iframe page webpage window 11. What is the tag name used for displaying the style for division or section of Text in html page? input span div a 12. What is the tagName used to create list which is not numbered? unorderd li nl ul 13. What is the Tag-Name used for displaying the title of the web-page? title head html body 14. What is the full form of CSS?? Covered Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets Clear Style Sheets Correct Style Sheets 15. What is the tag Name used for html table column? tr column td data Loading …What is the color of the snow? Question 1 of 15 Cick this Subscription Link to keep in touch with us!!
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