Selenium WebDriver Online Quiz

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Test your knowledge in Selenium WebDriver by Answering 1-20 Questions.

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1. What is the interface available in Selenium?


2. Select the option which is not a WebElement Method.


3. Identify the option which is not a JAVA class in Selenium.


4. Identify the Xpath for Selecting the value from the below html table.

Author Course Price
Selenium Author’s Selenium WebDriver With Java 35
Python Author’s Python Programming Language 30
JavaScript Author’s JavaScript Programming Language 25

5. What are the navigation methods listed below.


6. What is the WebElement method used to get the BackGroud Color of an Element displayed in the WebPage.


7. What is the method used to Change the Focus from an frame/iframe/window/Alert


8. What is the method used in the Select Java Class to get all the Options


9. What are the Wait applicable in Selenium webdriver.


10. What is the javaScript Function used to enter the text in TextBox


11. What is the abstract class available in Selenium.


12. What is return type of driver.get(String url) method in Selenium.


13. What is the return Type of driver.getTitle() method in Selenium WebDriver.


14. What is the method used to select a value from Listbox.


15. What is the javascript method used to scroll to particular Element?


16. What is the method used to check the WebElement is present.


17. What is the method used to verify the Text present in a WebPage


18. Select the component which is not part of Selenium?


19. Select the language which is not supported by Selenium WebDriver


20. Select the Locator which is not available in Selenium WebDriver


15 comments on “Selenium WebDriver Online Quiz

  1. Ismath Mulla

    Very helpful for beginners to test their knowledge on Selenium…Please keep posting quizzes like this…Thank You…

  2. Tester

    This is wrong, you should be using sendKeys to emulate typing into the filed. By setting the value directly you are potentially bypassing any restrictions on the text field.

  3. Tester

    Question 16 is also wrong. The way to check an element is present is to use .findElement(). If it does not exist you will get a NoSuchElementException thrown.

    Ideally you would use a WebDriverWait and the ExpectedConditions Class to wait for the presence of an element.

    You can only check if it isDisplayed() if you have found an element in the first place.

  4. Kanniga Subramaniam

    Wow I have never seen a quiz like this before which is giving an detail explanation for each options.
    It is easy for us to obtain a detail knowledge about it. Thank You so much Sir.


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