Resolution for the Error ->Current Branch is not configured for Pull. No Value for key remote.origin.url found in configuration.
In Github , during the creation of branch we should make sure to select the option configure upstream for push and pull. What happens if this option is not selected?? This causes the “git pull” operation causing the error. In this post we are going to discuss on now fixing the error in Eclipse as follows:
Right Click on the project in Eclipse->Team->Git Pull throws the following Error:

Pulling 1 repository
The current branch is not configured for pull
No value for key remote.origin.url found in configuration
How do we resolve this Error now???
Navigate to the Eclipse Menu->Window->Show View->Other->Git Repositories.
Update the Config File in the Repository as mentioned below:
What is the statement **refs/heads/PullRequestError** in the config file refer to ??
The ref in the URL must be formatted as heads/<branch name> for branches and tags/<tag name> for tags. If the ref doesn’t exist in the repository, but existing refs start with ref they will be returned as an array. If the ref doesn’t match an existing ref or any prefixes, a 404 is returned.