Java Online OOPS Quiz-Test your knowledge total-qa February 27, 2018 March 5, 2018 5 Comments on Java Online OOPS Quiz-Test your knowledge Reference URL’s Java Platform Standard Edition 8 Documentation Complete List of Java Basics Please enter your email: 1. How to fetch the current time in Milliseconds? System.getDate() System.currentTimeMillis() System.getTime() System.getTime() 2. An Object state is stored in methods. False True 3. A collection of methods with no implementation is an__? Polymorphism Interface Exception Inheritance 4. final variables are constants. Yes No final variables are constants once assign. It cannot be reassigned. 5. Can we Create Abstract Class with out any abstract methods? No Yes Abstract Class can be created without any abstract methods. But if the class contains one abstract methods class would be abstract. 6. Real Objects contain State and Behavior. False True 7. What is the superclass for all the Exceptions and Errors in Java? Exception Throwable Compile Time Exception RunTime Exception 8. final methods cannot be overriden. Yes No If we want to avoid any method to override add keyword final. 9. final classes cannot be extended. Yes No final Classes cannot be extended in java. Example: String,System,Math 10. Can we override static methods in JAVA? No Yes Maintaining the same method in the SuperClass and SubClass with same return type is known as overriding. Overriding is applicable to non-static members of the class. Overriding is not applicable to static members of the class. 11. An Object behavior is exposed through fields. False True 12. What is the default value of boolean? false true 13. The Common behavior of SuperClass is inherited to SubClass using the keyword__?? override implements follows extends 14. The term API stands for __? Application Programming Inheritance App Programming Interface Application Point Interface Application Programming Interface 15. Hiding internal data from the outside world, and accessing it only through publicly exposed methods is known as ___? Interface Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Loading …
karunanidhi Ethiraj August 29, 2018 at 2:54 pm ITs really super site to recall our technical concepts in java Reply ↓
harshali October 21, 2018 at 10:57 am . Can we Create Abstract Class with out any abstract methods? No Yes Abstract Class can be created without any abstract methods. But if the class contains one abstract methods class would be abstract. No meaning of above statement If any class containes method which is abstract then that class has to be abstract. Reply ↓
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ITs really super site to recall our technical concepts in java
. Can we Create Abstract Class with out any abstract methods?
Abstract Class can be created without any abstract methods.
But if the class contains one abstract methods class would be abstract.
No meaning of above statement
If any class containes method which is abstract then that class has to be abstract.