Copy,Xcopy,RoboCopy,RmDir Commands to copy and remove files and folders in Windows

In this tutorial we will discuss about the commands to copy and remove the files and Directories in Windows with different options and examples.

  1. COPY
  2. XCOPY
  4. RMDIR

COPY Command:

copy command in windows copies the files from one directory to another directory. It also helps to combine files where multiple files as a source and single file as a destination.
COPY source destination
COPY source1+source2 destination

Copy a file in the Current Folder:
copy abc.txt new_file.txt

Copy from a different folder to directory:
copy C:\Dir1\abc.txt C:\Dir2\new_file.txt

Copy Multiple Files as a Source and Single file as a destination:
copy file1.txt+file2.txt file3.txt



XCOPY Command:

Copies the files and directories into another directory.
XCOPY source destination [options].

They are so many options available. We will see few of them which would be helpful

/S Copy folders and subfolders
xcopy C:\Dir1\Dir2 c:\Dir3 /S

/P Prompt before creating each file.

/C Continue copying if error occurs.

Xcopy Limitation:Insufficient Memory Error

Xcopy fails with an “insufficient memory” error when the path plus filename is longer than 254 characters. The alternative to Xcopy is Robocopy.


Its a Robust File and Folder Copy.
ROBOCOPY source_folder destination_folder [options]
They are so many options available. We will see few of them which would be helpful.
/E: Copy Subfolders, including Empty Folders

Skipped Files:

During the copy of files, some of the files which are empty are Skipped. To overcome this issue use the following Option.
/MIN:n : MINimum file size – exclude files smaller than n bytes.

ROBOCOPY source_folder destination_folder /E /MIN:0

RMDIR Command

Deletes files and folders.
RD path [options]

/S : Delete all files and subfolders

/Q : Quiet – do not display Y/N confirmation

Deletes the Folder dir2 and subfolders with-in the dir2 with out prompting the confirmation.
rmdir /S /Q C:\dir1\dir2

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